Office Phone: 519 837-0387
Camp Phone (July/Aug): 226-343-7246 (226-343-RAIN)
Camp Address - 275 Scottsdale Drive (July - August)

Wondering what it is like to work at Rainbow Day Camp?
We asked our Camp Counsellors the following questions and here is what they had to say:
Question #1: What is the best part about working at Rainbow Day Camp?
“Being part of such a positive and supportive team! Everyone at Rainbow is always there for you and is extremely helpful with any task you may throw at them! Also bringing so much fun and happiness to all the campers each day is the best part while being a part of a very crazy and inclusive environment!”
“The whole atmosphere is absolutely amazing, you’re truly a part of something so special. Being around such a supportive group of people: staff and campers alike. Seeing everyone grow as people and as counsellors.”
“The wonderful, amazing kids that you get to see day in and day out. Sometimes, a kid you don’t even know will run up and hug you just cause your shirt has your name on it. When I go home every night, I am excited to go back and see the smiles on every child’s face during the day’s activities.”
“How it doesn’t feel like a job… when you get to the townhouse in the morning you are excited to be there and when you leave after camp you can’t wait for tomorrow when you can come back!”

Question #3: If you are lucky enough to work at Rainbow, what else you can expect/should be prepared for?
“Lots of snacks, eager groups of individuals, supportive and positive work environment, and most importantly: making a difference in many children’s lives”
“An unforgettable summer – it’s exciting, it’s unpredictable, it’s heart-warming, it’s messy, it’s overwhelming – and, all in all, it’s wonderful”
“To laugh many times during the day, to be really tired at the end of the day, and to learn a lot about kids. Also, you will become great friends with all the staff”
“Kids climbing on you and asking the same question over and over and cleaning up messes; but also, kids crying on their last day of camp because they’ll miss you. . A warm, welcome feeling radiating through you every time you come to work.

Question #2: Some say they had the summer of their lives at Rainbow Day Camp – why do you think people say that?
“Making amazing memories with amazing people, working with amazing children. Going to bed at 8 pm happily exhausted, and waking up ready to start a new day. Putting on 20lbs of weight from all the food.”
“Getting sentimental when campers have their last day of Rainbow for the summer. Laughing so hard you can’t breathe, whether it be from a camper or one of your coworkers. Giving a bajillion piggybacks and getting your hat stolen, and then seeing the look on campers' faces when you chase after them. Rainbow is a place where you get to experience day camp again, with all the fun and energy included.”
“The friendships, the food, and fun! Creating memories that you will never forget while working with great people to make an unforgettable summer!”
“An incredibly supportive team, memories that last a lifetime, and a truly amazing summer! Unlike many jobs, Rainbow will have you excited to come to work, invigorated, and left with the warmest feeling in your heart.”
“You can expect that you will be part of an amazing & supportive team, and have campers that you will completely fall in love with and want to play with them all day. You should be prepared for being exhausted sometimes & having some bad days, but being at Rainbow, surrounded by your co-workers can change your bad day into a good day. You should also be prepared to step out of your comfort zone, as there will be some things you need to do that you really don’t want to, but when you are able to break through, it truly is worth it.”
“The hardest thing about camp is seeing the kids leave at the end of each week, and especially leaving on the last day, because I really am going to miss every single individual.”