Office Phone: 519 837-0387
Camp Phone (July/Aug): 226-343-7246 (226-343-RAIN)
Camp Address - 275 Scottsdale Drive (July - August)
Rainbow Day Camp COVID 19 Policies and Procedures and Vaccine Updates
(As of April 1st, 2022 these may change as more guidelines are adjusted by local health units and Government).
Rainbow Day Camp will comply with all Public Health Regulations and will be in constant communication with the local Public Health authorities. In doing so, Rainbow will implement the following procedures to maintain a safe and healthy camp environment for all participants, staff, volunteers, and guests.
Rainbow Day Camp will have zero tolerance for abuse of policy. If a camper or staff member is unwilling to comply with the protocols as laid out, they will be asked to leave the facilities/program and no refund will be provided.
Vaccine Guidelines
Public Health highly encourages staff to be double vaccinated with a booster before camp begins.
Public Health highly encourages that our campers receive double vaccination before camp and parents are required to screen daily for symptoms
All campers will be placed into a cohort prior to the start of camp. Campers will remain in this cohort for the entire duration of the week. The cohorts will be 30 people or less including staff.
All high traffic doors and spaces will be subject to extra cleaning throughout the day
There will hand sanitizer available at a number of locations throughout cam
Drop-off Procedures
Drop off will begin at 8:30 am (not any sooner). Programming starts at 9:00 am. There will be signs to follow where the drop-off location is for your particular group.
Parents can choose to line up outside by the fence.
Parent/Guardians will not be allowed to enter the building, unless in the case of emergencies. If parents/guardians wish to talk to a director or staff member this will occur outside. You can also choose your preferred method of contact with our staff: text, email, in person, or call.
Pick-up Procedures
The campers at the end of the day will congregate in their group meeting area.
For pick-up, parents will arrive at the pick-up area and line up by the fence.
Screening Protocol:
All individuals (team members and campers) must complete a self-assessment prior to their arrival at camp.
Any individual who displays any COVID 19 symptoms will be denied entry to the camp. Should refer to the link from Public Health
Team Member Responsibilities:
Team members will be equipped with hand sanitizer, first aid kits, and communication devices.
Team members will ensure campers wash their hands after touching their eyes, mouth, or noses as well as before and after eating and after using the washroom.
Staff may choose to wear a mask while at camp.
Other Information:
The direct camp phone line is (226) 343-7246
There will be no off-site trips. We will be participating in water play activities Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week. Campers will need to bring a towel and bathing suit. Younger campers are welcome to wear their bathing suits underneath their clothes if easier. Please ensure they bring a change of clothes afterward.
Please bring a labeled water bottle for camp. We will have water fountains to fill up water bottles, but campers will not be allowed to drink right from the water fountain.
Food is not allowed to be shared at camp and Rainbow is a peanut-free camp. Please take the time to review your child’s lunch before sending it to camp.
Personal belongings brought to camp should be minimized to essentials.
Do not bring toys and other things campers will want to use and share
Individual items (water bottles, sunscreen, lunch bags, etc) should be labeled.
Cleaning Protocol:
Cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, etc) will be done a minimum of three times a day.
A custodian will be coming in after camp every evening and disinfecting/cleaning the entire site.
Spaces will be wiped down before another group uses them.
Handwashing will be done frequently with everyone on the team and campers.
All materials and equipment will be made of materials that can be cleaned and disinfected. Single-use equipment and the material will be disposed.
COVID 19 Reporting Protocol:
If a camper or team member begins to experience symptoms at camp:
Participants must be immediately separated from others in a supervised area until they can go home.
Environmental cleaning/disinfection of space will be conducted once the participant has been picked up.
Participants with symptoms should be tested.
If a camp participant or team member test positive:
Those who test positive for COVID-19 must be excluded from the program and will need to follow the current Public Health guidelines
Camper responsibilities:
We trust that we know you can handle this. We can not run camp without your help!
Wearing a mask while inside
Sanitizing/ washing hands
Staying with certain cohorts
Listening to your cousellors
Letting your counsellors know when you are not feeling well
Be kind
Have fun!
We couldn’t run camp without you doing your job