Office Phone: 519 837-0387
Camp Phone (July/Aug): 226-343-7246 (226-343-RAIN)
Camp Address - 275 Scottsdale Drive (July - August)

Rainbow Policies
1. As the Parent/Guardian of an enrolled camper, I understand my child’s camp fees must be received in full prior to my child attending camp. The preferred method of payment is e-mail trans or credit card: cash, personal or certified cheque, or money order. Personal cheques will not be accepted after June 1. NSF cheques are subject to a $25 administrative charge.
2. LATE PICK-UP POLICY: Campers may be dropped off at camp no earlier than 8:30 am and picked up from 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm. I understand my camper(s) must be picked up by 4:30 pm since no supervision can be provided after 4:30 pm. The Late Pick-up Policy (applies to both the 4:30 pm pick-up time)
a) First time and less than 15 minutes late - no charge
b) 5 - 15 minutes late - $10.00
c) 16- 30 minutes late - $25.00
d) Over 30 minutes late - $50.00
All late fees are reimbursed to the staff at the time of pick up. As the Parent/Guardian of an enrolled camper, I understand I must call camp immediately if I am going to be late to pick up my child to ensure adequate staff remains available for care. Late fees will apply to the 4:30 pm pick-up time.
3. ILLNESS POLICY: If my child becomes ill at camp, I understand I will immediately be notified and must arrange to pick up my child. For any of the following reasons:
Temperature over 38°C
Suspected communicable illness (pink eye, strep, COVID, etc.)
Further medical follow-up needed for issues related to suspected concussion, fracture, potential communicable illness etc.
Staff do not have the proper equipment and/or medication onsite
The environment is not suitable to care for the ill camper. Fees for camp days lost will not be reimbursed.
4. BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT: Rainbow Day Camp is dedicated to providing a fun and safe summer day camp experience for children. Appropriate behaviour expectations are clearly outlined to staff, volunteers, campers, and parents. The following are rules that all campers are expected to follow daily at camp:
a) To show respect for themselves, fellow campers and leaders
b) To respect individual differences
c) To show respect for personal and camp property
d) Stay within the activity area
e) To be responsible for their own actions and the consequences of their behaviour
f) Behaviour at camp that does not contribute to the well-being of other campers, staff, and volunteers will be dealt with in a fair and respectful manner. The Camp Directors reserves the right to remove any child permanently from the program should it be necessary to do so. I understand I will be notified of all inappropriate behaviour by my child and may be requested to pick up my child immediately. I further understand my camp fees for days lost will not be reimbursed.
7. While every reasonable effort is made to safeguard our camper’s belongings, I understand Rainbow cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of any of my child’s belongings while at camp including but not limited to eyeglasses, retainers, hearing aids, earplugs, swimming goggles, etc.
8. As the Parent/Guardian of an enrolled camper, I agree to pay for any and all damages caused by my child to Rainbow property, St Rene Goupil School property, Priory Park School property, or the property of others.
9. As the Parent/Guardian of an enrolled camper, I agree to allow my child to participate in all activities of Rainbow.
10. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an accident or illness involving my child while attending camp, I understand Rainbow will make every attempt to notify myself and/or my emergency contact person. I give my consent to Rainbow to act on behalf of my child in the event of an emergency, and further, to be transported, assessed, and treated in a hospital if necessary.
11. I understand I must notify Rainbow of any changes in the medical or health condition of my child between the time of completion of this form and participation at camp.
12. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICITY: I give my consent for my child to be photographed at camp for purposes of promotion, marketing, and public relations. Photos may appear in local newspapers, slide presentations, print publications, and on the Rainbow website, publicity displays, and television. (Please note you have the option to not provide authorization on the online registration)
13. SUN SENSE: I understand reasonable precautions will be taken to protect all participants at Rainbow Day Camp from the effects of the sun. As the Parent/Guardian of an enrolled camper, I accept the risks associated with sunburn/sunstroke in an outdoor environment and will send sunscreen with my child for application at camp and I accept the risks associated with its use.
14. PEANUTS & NUTS: I understand Rainbow is ‘nut aware’ and agree not to send any nut products with my child to camp.
15. Rainbow protects your personal information and adheres to all legislative requirements of the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
Updated December 2024